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Letters to My Daughters: Poetic Affirmations of Love from A Father

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  1. The author has written this book not only to dedicate it to his daughters, but to inspire, empower and encourage daughters around the world of all ages'. This book is a great tool to catapult daughters into a life of empowerment, inspiration, and strength to become successful at all their present and future endeavors. This book should be read and discussed in many different forums around the world. In his book Letters To My Daughters: Poetic Affirmations of Love From A Father, Avery Washington affirms his adoration and appreciation for his daughters in an incredibly endearing and empowering way. His poems flow from the heart of a protective father to the soul of a young girl who is learning herself and finding her way in the world. His poem, "God's Creation," reminds the reader of who she is and let's her know that she can use her intelligence and beauty to become all God created her to be. "Self Love" is a poignant reminder to all women that the power of love emanates from within and is a gift from God. In "You Are Never Alone," Avery applauds single mothers and charges them to press on and press in. He encourages them keep their heads up in order to be the foundation their children need and recognizes motherhood for the gift that it is. These poems are filled with words of inspiration, wisdom and power. His ability to transcend the page and go deep inside the heart of the reader is astonishing. The world is full of broken women and Avery Washington's desire to minister healing and wholeness through the written word is evidenced throughout this book.Author, Avery Washington's book, Letters to My Daughters comes at a time where it seems obsolete that fathers are instrumental in their daughters lives. It is so refreshing to read a collection of poetry dedicated to celebrating our young girls who will one day appreciate that love of their father.The author so profoundly reminds us that the first love a girl has is that of her father. We believe his purpose for writing this book holds to the fact that young women go through various dilemmas as a result of an absentee father.The love that the author poured into his poetry, on behalf of his daughters, is very inspiring in a society where young girls search for acceptance in all the wrong places.This book of poems is a true gem because the author infuses life lessons, support, encouragement, love, and God to show us that it is essential that a father be present in his daughters existence. Author, Avery Washington could have just easily spoken these very words to his daughters on a more personal note. We celebrate that he shared the love he has for his daughters through poetic versus whereby, other fathers will be encouraged to become the first love in their daughters lives.Letters to My Daughters is written to strengthen the bond of the father/daughter relationship where it will become the norm for a young girl or young lady to truly know her father.
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Letters to My Daughters: Poetic Affirmations of Love from A Father

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